Interesting facts about bathrooms

  • Women takes three times longer than men in the bathroom.
  • The earliest surviving bathtub dates back to 1700 B.C, and hails from the Palace of Knossos in Crete.
  • 70% of house guests snoop through other peoples medicine cabinets and drawers.
  • People spend at least three years of their lives on the toilet.
  • 55.2 percent will let someone else come in the bathroom while they're using the toilet.
  • The WC refers to the initial letters of Water Closet.
  • An average person visits the toilet 6-8 times per day.
  • 7 million cell phones are dropped in the toilet anually.
  • 700 million km of toilet paper is how much Americans use annually.
  • There are 45.2 percent of people that pee in the shower.
  • 200,000 bathroom related injuries are reported by U.S. hospitals each year.
  • 90% of pharmaceuticals taken by people are excreted through urination.
  • 43% of homes in the U.S. have two or more bathrooms.
  • Although some sources suggest that bathing declined following the collapse of the Roman Empire, this is not completely accurate. It was actually the Middle Ages that saw the beginning of soap production, proof that bathing was definitely not uncommon. It was only after the Renaissance that bathing declined.