Gnatcatcher bird

   A gnatcatcher is a small active songbird found throughout the wooded areas of eastern United States. The blue-gray gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea, measures about four and one-half inches in length and is bluish gray above, whitish below. Its comparatively long tail is black with white outer feathers. On the forehead of the male is a diagnostic U-shaped black mark. As the name implies, gnatcatchers feed on insects, which are caught by the bird in flight.
   The cup-shaped nestof the gnatcatcher is composed of milkweed, cattail down, and similar materials linked with fine grasses or horsehair and decorated with lichens. Four or five bluish white eggs speckled with brown are laid at a time. A variety of the blue-gray gnatcatcher is found in western United States and Mexico.


Gnatcatcher bird