9 Facts about the planet Uranus

uranus planet facts

 1. As per mythology, Uranus was the lord of the skies and husband of Earth. He was also the King of the Gods, until his son Saturn overthrew him.

2. Uranus has a pale blue color, which is caused by the methane in its atmosphere that filters out red light.

3. Sir William Herschel was the first person to discover Uranus, on March 13, 1781.

4. Like Saturn, Uranus also has rings. The rings are made of ice and small rock particles, which are so faint that they appear as black as charcoal.

5. Uranus orbits the Sun on its side. Its South Pole is pointed towards Earth. The angle of the tilt of its axis is 98 degrees.

6. A year on Uranus is equivalent to 84 Earth years.

7. Uranus has 21 moons. Five of these moons are large, while the rest are smaller.

8. The atmospheric composition of Uranus comprises of hydrogen, helium, and methane.

9. A day on Uranus is shorter than a day on Earth, at about 17 hours long.