35 interesting dollar facts
- The Bureau of Engraving and Printing prints 16,650,000 dollar bills every day.
- 97% of all paper money contains traces of cocaine.

- A dollar bill weighs approximately 1 gram and measures 2.61 inches wide, 6.14 inches long and .0043 inches thick.
- The average life of a dollar bill is just 18 months.
- The number 172 can be seen on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.
- Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer, is said to use $2 notes from sheets of bills purchased from the U.S. Treasury – he apparently has them bound into book form with the bills as tear-off "pages".
- $5 bills last in circulation for around 15 months.
- $20 bills last in circulation for approximately 2 years.
- On the $1 bill the Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means "God has favored our undertaking”
- The security thread and micro printing found in most currency today were first used in 1990 in the $50 and $100 bills
- At the base of the pyramid on the $1 bill you will find “1776” in Roman Numerals.
- The Latin below the pyramid on the $1 bill, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, means "a new order for the ages”
- In 1929, US currency was standardized to include portraits on the front and emblems and monuments on the back of all bills.
- Almost half, 48 percent, of the notes printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are $1 notes
- Martha Washington is the only woman whose portrait has appeared on a U.S. currency note. It appeared on the face of the $1 Silver Certificate of 1886 and 1891, along with the back of the $1 Silver Certificate issued in 1896
- If you had $10 billion and spent $1 every second of every day, it would take 317 years for you to go broke
- The $2 bill was last issued in 2003
- You'd need to fold a bill of any denomination about 8,000 times (first forward and then backwards) before it will tear
- Most people save $2 bills, thinking they are rare and therefore valuable; they're actually worth... $2
- The dollar has 13 stars above the eagle
- There are 13 steps on the Pyramid
- There are 13 letters in ANNUIT COEPTIS
- E PLURIBUS UNUM contains 13 letters
- There are 13 vertical bars on the shield
- The top of the shield has 13 horizontal stripes
- You can count 13 leaves on the olive branch
- There are 13 berries on the olive branch
- The dollar bill also features 13 arrows and 13 hats
- A world record of $2,255,000 was paid in December 2006 for an 1890 $1000 United States Treasury note. The note features a portrait of Civil War-era General George Gordon Meade, who commanded Union Army troops at the Battle of Gettysburg.
- The front of a $1 bill is printed in black ink and the back in green ink. This is why $1 bills are often called "greenbacks."
- Pocahontas appeared on the back of the $20 bill in 1875.
- Every dollar bill is labeled with letters and numbers showing which plate the bill was printed on and where on the plate the bill was located..
- Money isn't made out of paper, it's actually made out of linen
- High-denomination bills ($500-$100,000 notes) are technically legal tender, but were last printed in 1945 and officially discontinued on Jul 14, 1969 by the Federal Reserve System
- In 75% of American households, women manage the money and pay the bills.