Interesting facts about Alessandro Volta

Alessandro Volta was an Italian physicist who was a pioneer in electrical discovery.

Full name: Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta

He was born in Como, Italy, on February 18, 1745.

Volta is especially known for inventing the first true battery in 1800.

Volta invented the electrophorus, an apparatus used in generating static electricity, and the electroscope, which could detect small charges of electricity and tell whether a charge was positive or negative.

Alessandro Volta also invented an electrostatic pistol and the electrical condenser.

Volta discovered methane by collecting the gas from marshes.

In 1794, Alessandro Volta married Teresa Peregrini, with whom he raised 3 sons, Giovanni, Flaminio and Zanino.

Volta's work was appreciated almost immediately, not only by his fellow scientists, but also by the political heads of state. In 1801 Napoleón called him to París, and a special gold medal was given him.