Something about leather

Leather Animal hides that have been chemically treated to soften and pre­serve them are called leathers. Shoes, belts, luggage, handbags, gloves, etc. are made of leather.

Leather can be made from the hides. of such animals as cattle, sheep, lambs, goats, reptiles, horses, sharks, and ostriches. Cattle hide is most generally used. Tanning is the chemical treatment of the inner layer of skin to convert hides into leather.

At the tannery the hides are washed and soaked to remove the salt and to restore the fibers to their natural shape and condition so they will absorb the tanning agents easily. The hides are soaked in a lime solution or in an enzyme preparation to loosen the hair. Then they are put through a dehairing machine. The hides then are placed in a "paddle pit" with warm water, an enzyme and a lime neutralizing agent. After neutralization, they are washed with cold water and drained, then dried.