What is a Diet (politics)?

   A diet (politics) is a formal public assembly of councilors or legislators. Historically, the diet was the imperial assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. It was organized into three colleges: electors, princes, and free imperial cities, all of which were constantly engaged in a power struggle with the Holy Roman emperor. Many important imperial diets were held during the Reformation, including the Diet of Worms (1521), which outlawed Martin Luther. During the 15th century the individual states of the empire took over much of the emperor's authority, and by the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) the diet became a federal body more powerful than the emperor. However, the member states ultimately grew so strong that the diet became little more than a standing conference of ambassadors.
   The national assembly of Japan is called the diet. It was established in 1889, copying the legislature of the German Empire. The present Japanese diet is modeled after the British Parliament and has full control of the government, with the premier and a majority of his cabinet as members.