Who was Edward M. Ward?

 Edward Matthew Ward painter
   Edward Matthew Ward was an English painter, born in London in 1816. In 1835 he joined the classes at the Royal Academy. The following year he went to Italy, where he studied fresco painting under Cornelias. In the competition in 1843 for decorating the House of Parliament, eight of his de­signa were accepted and were executed by him in the corridor of the House of Commons in 1853. He was elected A. R. A. in 1847, and R. A. in 1855. For his subjects he generally chose interesting historical episodes and popular characters; hence many of his paintings have been largely reproduced by the engraver. Dr. Johnson in Lord Chesterfield's Anteroom and the Royal Family of France in the Temple are considered among his best works. He died in Windsor, Jan. 15, 1879.