Facts about Meadowlarks (birds)

meadowlark - bird
   The meadowlark, relative of the blackbird, is about ten inches long. Its head and back are black and buff striped and its breast is yellow with a black crescent across it. It has strong legs and feet and walks rather than hops. It pokes its long bill into the grass for weed seeds and insects it eats.
   The eastern meadowlark lives from the coast to the Plains states. It winters in the South. It has a cheerful, two-syllable whistle.
   The western meadowlark is paler in color and has a warbling song of seven to ten notes. It breeds west of the plains and winters south to Mexico.
   The female often makes a grass roof over her nest and has a camouflaged side entrance. She lays four to six white eggs with red-brown speckles. The babies learn to walk in the grass before they learn to fly. The adult meadowlark alternately flutters and sails as it flies.