Clothes moth

clothes moth
   Clothes moth is the common name for any of several moths whose larvae feed on wool, mohair, cashmere, fur, and other materials that consist of animal products. Contrary to popular belief, clothes moth larvae do not normally feed on vegetable products, such as cotton and linen. However, if articles made of these materials are soiled with sweat, grease, or other animal substances, they may be attacked by clothes moths.
   The most common kinds of clothes moths are the casemaking clothes moth (Tinea pellionella) and the webbing clothes moth (Tincola biselliella). Both kinds have a wingspread of about half an inch, and they are pale yellow or grayish yellow. The female moths lay 100 to 150 small white eggs on clothing, rugs, or draperies. The larvae that hatch from the eggs are white caterpillars that reach a length of about half an inch when fully grown.
The larva of the webbing clothes moth spins a silken web, while the casemaking clothes moth larva makes a portable silken case to live in. The larvae of both kinds of moths may feed from six weeks to as long as four years. They then pupate and develop into adults within one to four weeks, depending on the temperature.
   Fabrics may be protected against clothes moths by being dry-cleaned, sprayed with protective spray, or stored with mothballs or crystals.