
   Leaf-beetle is a popular name for many members of the family Chrysomelida which embraces about 18,000 widely dis­tributed species, about 600 of which are found in North America. The larvae, which feed upon the succulent parts, either fully exposed, in protective cases, beneath the epidermis as leaf-miners or stalk-borers, are all soft-bodied six footed creatures wilh great appetites. Some larvae of leaf-beetles feed on roots, some are aquatic and many cover themselves with excrement as a protection against their enemies. The adults of several tropical species of leaf-beetles are of such brilliant colors as to be used for jewelry when mounted in gold settings. The family includes many species considered serious pests of cultivated plants. Some of the most noted of these are the flea-beetles, tortoise-beetles, potato and asparagus beetles elm-leaf beetle and the diabroticas, represented by the striped and the spotted cucumber-beetle. These are treated under their food-plant titles.