
   The leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of the great cats widely distributed over Africa and Asia, and prehistorically prevalent in southern Europe. The general color is yellowish fawn, which becomes white on the under aspect of the body, marked with black spots of various sizes, irregularly dispersed; these spots are often rosette-like, but do not enclose a central spot as is the case with its American analogue, the jaguar. Black examples often occur. In general appearance and conformation the leopard is tiger-like, but is considerably the inferior of the tiger in size and weight, measuring on the average about 3 feet and 10 inches from the nose to the root of the tail, which is almost as long as the body. This beautiful cat is, however, the peer of the tiger, making up in agility, quickness and wit for his lack of weight and power. Its prey consists of any animal it is able to pounce upon or overcome, and among the native villages and herdsmen of both India and Africa it is dreaded as a destroyer of cattle and sheep, since, like the American puma, when it invades a cattle-pen or sheepfold it kills many times more animals than it can eat or carry away. Nevertheless, leopards have always been among the partly tamed and trained animals of shows, and they thrive well and breed in captivity.