Facts about Oribis

Oribi scientific name (Ourebia ourebi)
Where found East and southern Africa. Open grasslands.
Enemies Oribi fall prey to numerous animals including lions, leopards, caracals, hyenas, hunting dogs, jackals, crocodiles and pythons.
Length 20-26 in (51-66 cm).
Shoulder height 2 ft (61 cm).
Weight 31-46 lb (14-21 kg).
Maturity Females reach sexual maturity at 10 months, males at 14 months.
Lifespan 12 years. In captivity oribis have a lifespan of up to 14 years.

Mating takes place as soon as last season's fawns are weaned. The youngsters begin to accompany their parents on their daily foraging round their territoiy. Oribis feed mainly on short grass.
July is generally the coolest time of year south of the Equator. Oribis on the high plateaus of southern Africa are often at their most active, seeking out sufficient food to allow them to keep up their body temperature.
During the breeding season, August to December, the male will mate with all the females who share his territory.
In September, last year's fawns are now 9 months old or more and are fully independent. The young oribis leave their parents' territory in search of mates. From September to January, the next generation of fawns is born. In East Africa, the November rains bring a new flush of grass.
Fawns stay in hiding for the 3-4 months during which their mothers suckle them.