Thomas Fuller

   Thomas Fuller 1608-61, was an English clergyman and writer, born in Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire. His writings, for which he is chiefly remembered, reflect an easy wit and gracefulness of style, while presenting a quaint charm. Through his lively imagination he gave spirit to the driest details. The same characteristics are said to have been present in his sermons. The History of the Holy Warre, about the Crusades, appeared in 1639. There followed, among several, The Holy State and the Prophane State (1641), Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience (1647), and Church History of Britain (1655) including that of the University of Cambridge. The outstanding work of his career, which has been of great help to historical writers, is The Worthies of England, a group of biographies left to be completed by his son (1661).