
   The word mouse means thief, A full-grown mouse is between six and seven inches long. Its tail is about one-third of its length and is used for balance. Mice are rodents. Their cutting teeth, although worn down from constant use, keep growing.
   The house mouse came originally from Asia. There are many different kinds of mice. All mice are prolific, having as many as five to eight litters a year, with as many as five mice to a litter. Baby mice are born blind and hairless, but within two to three weeks are able to take care of themselves and have young of their own.
   Mice eat almost anything. The house mouse enjoys human food; the field mouse eats the grain and hay-grass of the farmer; pine mice eat bulbs, roots and potatoes; the red-backed mice eat seeds, berries and roots; and rufous tree mice eat pine needles. The lemming of the far north eats moss, grass and lichens. There is a very curious type of field mouse called the jumping mouse. They seem to leap like frogs sometimes covering 10 feet in one jump. They have long tails. If the tail is injured, their jumping ability is impaired.
   Cats, owls, hawks, weasels, snakes, and man are enemies of the mouse.