12 facts about the platypus

platypus animal facts

1. Platypuses live near freshwater rivers or lakes and create burrows for shelter and protection.

2. A platypus swims with its eyes, ears and nostrils shut. It propels forward with the help of its forefeet. The hind feet are used for the purpose of brakes and steering.

3. Platypuses locate their prey with the help of electric signals from their bodies, with sensors on their bill.

4. A platypus feeds on flies, small shrimps, worms, insect larvae and small aquatic creatures.

5. The female platypus lays 1 to 3 eggs, which she incubates between her abdomen and tail.

6. Platypuses mate in the water. However, the female lays the eggs on land, in a breeding burrow up to 20m long.

7. A platypus must consume at least one quarter of its body weight each day. This is why; it spends around 12 hrs every day looking for food.

8. Since the female platypus does not have nipples, its young ones suck milk from patches on the abdomen.

9. Platypus is one of the few venomous mammals. The male platypus can delivers a poison, causing severe pain to humans, through a spur on its hind foot.

10. Platypuses have been classified as "near threatened" by IUCN and are named on its Red List. The main reason for this is their susceptibility to water pollution.

11. A platypus has a flat furry tail that stores fats for the winter season. The tail is also used as a rudder for steering.

12. When a platypus is on land, it turns back the webs on its front feet, in order to reveal broad nails that help it in walking.