12 interesting Birthday Facts

facts about birthdays

 1. The most famous rendition of "Happy Birthday" is when Marilyn Monroe sang to "Happy Birthday, Mr President" to President John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden on 19 May 1962.
2. More people celebrate their birthdays in August than in any other month (about 9% of all people). The two other months that rate high for birthdays are July and September.
3. A recent survey suggests that more people are born on October 5 in the United States than any other day. October 5 holds a not-so-surprising significance, as conception would have fallen on New Year's Eve.
4. Paul McCartney's Birth Certificate was auctioned in March 1997, for US $84,146. It is believed to be the world's most expensive Birth Certificate.
5. Your heart beats at a rate of around of 72 to 80 beats per minute - since your last birthday it will have beat about 42,075,900 times.
6. The least common birth date in the U.S. is May 22nd.
7. Since your last birthday you will have had about 1,460 dreams.
8. You breath at a rate of about 30 breaths per minute so, since your last birthday you have taken approximately 15,768,000 breaths.
9. During the past year there have been more than 50,000 earthquakes throughout the world.
10. World population has grown by around 76,570,430 since your last birthday. In the time it takes you to read this another five babies will have been born.
12. If you counted 24 hours a day, you would be over 31,000 years old when you reach one trillion!