12 interesting facts about dogs

dog animal facts

 1. Dogs take between 10 and 30 breaths in a minute, while their heart beats 70-120 times in the same duration.

2. The Chow Chow species of dog has a black tongue.

3. Dogs sweat through the pads of their feet.

4. During the first week after their birth, puppies spend 90% of their time in sleeping and the rest 10% in eating.

5. A dog can hear sounds even from a distance of 250 yards.

6. Dogs were domesticated for the first time by cavemen in the Paleolithic age. With time, they developed into the breeds known today.

7. A puppy is only able to crawl during its first week.

8. Dogs exist in a wide range of sizes, colors and temperaments.

9. A one year old dog is physically as mature as a 15 year old human.

10. The nose of a dog helps him keep cool. Infact, the longer the nose of a dog, the better will be his cooling system.

11. The internal clocks of a dog are excellent. He will always know when is the time for meal, for going out, of your coming home, and so on.

12. Believe it or not, it is said that two dogs survived the sinking of Titanic.