12 interesting facts about koalas

- There are around just 2,000 to 8,000 wild Koalas in Australia currently.
- Koalas consume leaves of about 35 out of 500 species of the eucalyptus tree.
- Koalas live only in Australia. In the cold south Australian regions, the Koalas have long, shaggy fur.
- Koalas get most of the fluid they need from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree.
- Like the Kangaroos, Koalas are marsupials carrying their young in pouches.
- Apart from the Greater Glider and the Ringtail Possum, the Koala is the only other mammal with a digestive system that can sustain solely on eucalyptus leaves. The leaves of the eucalyptus tree will prove to be very poisonous if consumed by a human being.
- Koalas resemble soft, cuddly teddy bears, but they are neither bears nor remotely related to bears.
- The Koala can run as fast as a rabbit.
- Koalas sleep during daytime. They sleep for 19 hours each day. Koalas sleep in the nook of a tree.
- The Koala is the only arboreal marsupial without a tail.
- The fingerprints of Koalas are astonishingly like those of human beings.
- The Joeys are incapable of digesting eucalyptus leaves on the onset. They, therefore, eat special micro-organisms from the droppings of their mothers.