15 interesting facts about computers

- Bill Gates' house was designed using a Macintosh computer.
- The more commonly accepted ancestor of the modern laptop is the Gavilan SC, a truly portable computer introduced in 1983.
- The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in around 1964 and was made of wood.
- Many tired people use their laptops as a pillow and fall asleep on it!
- The world's first computer, called the Z1, was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. His next invention, the Z2 was finished in 1939 and was the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.
- More than 12,000 laptops go missing at US airports a week!
- The most expensive laptop cost 1 milion dollars and is produced by Luvaglio .
- Computers are programmed to carry out instructions. These instructions are usually very simple and require adding numbers together, moving data from one place to another etc.
- Did you know more than 12,000 laptops go missing at US airports a week!
- Computers are used to help link the world in the form of networks. Networked computers allow users to share and exchange data that is stored in different locations.
- 80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women
- By the year 2012 there will be approximately 17 billion devices connected to the Internet.
- E-mail has been around longer than the World Wide Web.
- One of every 8 married couples in the US last year met online.
- The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.