2. The first emerald mines recorded in history are the famous « Cleopatra » mines rediscovered in 1818 in Northern Egypt. These ancient mines were exhausted long ago.
3. Emerald is the birthstone for May.
4. The ancients prized it as the symbol of love, rebirth and eternal youth. Because the rich green color of emerald reminds of spring, it has been treasured for at least the past 4,000 years by different cultures all around the world.
5. Emerald is said to give a supernatural ability to foretell future events.
6. Pliny wrote, «nothing is more intense than the green of emerald» and «sight is refreshed and restored by gazing upon this stone». Following his advise, Roman emperor Nero wore emerald sunglasses to watch the gladiators.
7. The extreme rarity of transparent emerald is why inclusions in emeralds are tolerated.
These inclusions are like a fingerprint, giving each emerald a distinct personality. They are called garden from the French « jardin ».
8. The Moguls of India loved emeralds so much that they inscribed them with sacred texts and wore them as talismans. This led to the flourishing Jaipur cutting industry.