7 Interesting facts about reindeer

reindeer animal facts

 1. A single reindeer male, known as bull, wins control over a harem of 5 to 15 females, known as cows, in the mating season.

2. Reindeer live together in large groups, known as herds, the smallest of which contains usually 20 members. On the other extreme, large herbs of reindeer might comprise of thousand members also.

3. Male reindeer shed their antlers at the end of winter season, after the rut, and grow them again around January-February.

4. Reindeer is the only deer that can be domesticated. It provides butter, meat, cheese, clothing and transportation to humans.

5. Reindeer are the only deer species, apart from caribou, in which males, females and even calves produce antlers.

6. Reindeer can lower the temperature in their legs to just above freezing in extremely cold weather. This way they avoid loss of body heat.

7. Reindeer milk is very high in protein and fats.