10 Interesting facts about Switzerland

Interesting facts about Switzerland
  1. There are 26 cantons in Switzerland. Each one of them acts as a separate state and has its own constitution, legislature, government and courts.
  2. Extending across the north and south side of the Alps, Switzerland comprises a great diversity of landscapes and climates on a limited area of 41,285 square kilometres (15,940 sq mi).
  3. Founded in 1291 as a union of three cantons chafing against Habsburg rule, Switzerland has been independent since 1815.
  4. Switzerland has more than 1,500 lakes, and it is said that you are never more than 10 miles from a lake anywhere in the country.
  5. The average Swiss eats 23 lbs of chocolate per year compared to the 11.7 lbs consumed by each American annually.
  6. 60% of Switzerland’s electricity is produced by hydroelectric power.
  7. Switzerland has the 2nd highest life expectancy (first is Sweden).
  8. The highest Waterfall in Europe is the Mürrenbachfall with a 2450 foot drop.
  9. Switzerland has 48 peaks above 13000 feet.
  10. Zurich and Geneva are amongst the most populated cities of Switzerland. Geneva is particularly known for its beautiful museums and rich culture.

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