12 Interesting facts about Bats

- A little brown bat (myotis) can eat up to 1000 mosquitoes in one hour.
- Bats are the only mammal that can actually fly and make up the second largest order of mammals in the world.
- Agricultural plants like bananas, bread-fruit, mangoes, cashews, dates and figs rely on bats for pollination and seed dispersal.
- A mother bat can locate her pup (baby) out of millions in a roost, by tracking down its scent and sound.
- Frog eating bats differentiate between edible and poisonous frogs by listening to the mating calls of male frogs.
- Bats give birth to only one baby in a year, making them one of the slowest reproducing mammals on earth for their size.
- Most of the bats have very good eyesight. They also have excellent echolocation skills.
- Giant flying foxes, which are native to Indonesia, have a wingspan of nearly six feet.
- The tiny woolly bats of West Africa live in the large webs of colonial spiders.
- The bumblebee bat of Thailand is the smallest mammal in the world.
- Honduran white bat is completely white in color, with the exception of yellow nose and ears.
- Vampire bats are one of the few mammals who risk their own lives to share food with the less fortunate roost-mates.