9 Interesting facts about hedgehogs

- A hedgehog is one of the few animals that hibernate.
- Whenever a hedgehog feels threatened, it curls itself into a ball. It does so by lowering its quills, making use of the two large muscles on either side of its back.
- A hedgehog has an excellent sense of smell, which allows it to detect a worm lying even under the ground.
- Hedgehogs do not form groups. Rather, they lead to a solitary life, coming together only to mate.
- Hedgehogs build a special hibernation nest in winters, known as a hibernaculum. It helps keep them frost free and dry throughout winter.
- The babies of a hedgehog are born blind, but start seeing within a period of two weeks.
- The normal heartbeat of a hedgehog is 190 beats per minutes. However, it comes down to just 20 beats per minute, when it is hibernating.
- The babies of a hedgehog leave their mother as well as their nest when they are around 4-5 weeks old.
- The breeding season of a hedgehog is around April to September, while the main period of activity is May and June.