10 interesting facts about fuel

  1. Americans spend almost $1 billion on petrol every 24 hours
  2. Gasoline helps power the American dream, giving us the freedom to travel where we want and when we want -- for work, for school or for recreation. A steady supply of clean-burning gasoline is central to our nation's economy.
  3. In Venezuela, fuel costs $0.02. Thats right, 2 cents
  4. Seventy percent of the nation's goods are transported in diesel-powered vehicles, helping to make it America's primary commercial fuel.
  5. The highest fuel tax in the world is in the UK - a whooping 188%.
  6. Many Americans rely on safe, efficient and clean burning natural gas to heat and cool their homes. Natural fuels many manufacturing and electricity generation plants, and is a key ingredient in products that we use every day.
  7. The highest fuel price is in the Netherlands. They have a 158% fuel tax making it $2.56 a litre.
  8. 8.5 million American households, mostly in the Northeastern states, rely on heating oil to keep warm in winter.
  9. In Iran, when fuel prices went up to 15 cents a litre, a lynch mob went across Tehran torching gas stations.
  10. To help meet projected U.S. energy demand growth, the oil and gas companies invested $121.3 billion from 2000 through 2007 on emerging energy technologies in the North American Market.