10 interesting Redwood tree facts

  1. The bark of a redwood tree is fire resistant.
  2. A redwood tree can live for 2000 years.coast redwood trees
  3. Redwoods are the tallest trees on the planet--reaching a height of 350 feet or more. That's roughly the height of a 35-story building.
  4. No insect can kill a redwood tree.
  5. "Hyperion" is the name given to the coast redwood that has the distinction of being the world's tallest known living tree, topping out at 379.1 feet. It was discovered September 8, 2006, in a remote area of the Redwood National Park. Its exact location is kept secret to protect it.
  6. A redwood tree ‘holds on’ to other tree roots in order to stand so tall.
  7. They weigh in at upwards of 500 tons.
  8. A typical lifespan for these giants is 500 to 700 years, although they can live 2,000 years.
  9. The scientific name of the redwood is sequoia sempervirens.
  10. Redwoods grow only in a very specific climate. They need moderate summer temperatures and lots of precipitation, either as rain or fog. Consequently they grow in coastal northwest California (but not at the coast, as they don't like salt spray) in lower levels of mountain ranges (they don't like snow and frost).