22 interesting facts about Zac Efron
- According to Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Efron is very flirtatious guy.
- In 2009, Zac Efron purchased a new home in Los Angeles worth more than $2.2 million.
- If Zac Efron could swap lives with someone, it would be the Queen of England.
- Zac's worst habit is to scratch himself particularly when his skin gets dry.
- Zac Efron is 5 feet 9 inches tall.
- Zac's first celebrity crush is Tyra Banks.
- Zac's dream job would be designing and testing video games or playing poker.
- When Zac Efron was a kid he had a poster of supermodel, Tyra Banks on his bedroom ceiling.
- Zac Efron is of Jewish decent. However, in a Rolling Stone interview Zac
stated he was raised agnostic, which is the belief that it is impossible to know if God exists or not. - The first thing Zac Efron notices about a girl is her eyes.
- Zac Efron has been on the cover of every major American teen girl magazine. He has been on the covers of BOP, Tigerbeat, M, Popstar, AstroGirl, J-14, Quizfest, Teen Dream, Twist, TV Guide, Cosmo Girl, and many more.
- Zac's first kiss was in 5th grade during a game of Truth or Dare.
- Zac's fears are zombies, sharks, and the girl from The Ring.
- In May 2006, Zac Efron was the number 1 search on Yahoo.
- Zac Efron enjoys reading.
- Zac Efron and Vanessa Anne Hudgens won "Best TV Chemistry" at the 2006 Teen Choice Awards.
- Zac's friends nicknamed him "Hollywood".
- Zac Efron natural hair color is brown.
- As a child, Zac Efron was outgoing, gregarious, fun, and very comfortable around adults.
- Zac's mom and dad are both electrical engineers. They met while working at the same powerplant.
- Zac Efron likes to karaoke to Man I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain.
- Zac Efron listens to all music except for country