35 Space facts
The planets |
- Valentina Tereshkova from Russia was the first woman in space.
- Saturn’s rings are made up of particles of ice, dust and rock.
- Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the Moon.
- The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a hurricane-like storm system that was first detected in the early 1600’s.
- Our Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of 66,700 mph. Contrary to a popular myth that earth travels really slow, this is extremely fast movement, only we don't realize it.
- Halley’s Comet appears about every 76 years.
- Some large asteroids have their own moon.
- Asteroids and comets are believed to be ancient remnants of the formation of our Solar System (More than 4 billion years ago!).
- The only planet that rotates clockwise is Venus.
- The most dangerous asteroids, those capable of causing major regional or global disasters, usually impact the Earth only once every 100,000 years on average.
- No matter is able to escape the immensely powerful gravitational pull of the black holes. Even light can not escape them.
- There are over 20 million observable meteors per day.
- Jupiter's moon Europa is completely covered with ice.
- There are over 170 billion galaxies in the universe.
- The hottest planet in our Solar System is not Mercury, Venus is the hottest planet with a surface temperature of 450 degrees Celcius.
- The risk of a falling meteorite striking a human occurs once every 9,300 years.
- Being closest to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are often referred to as the inner planets.
- A manned rocket reaches the moon in less time than it took a stagecoach to travel the length of England.
- Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way where our Solar System is located.
- The Sun is 1.4 million kilometers wide, so it can hold 109 Earths across its surface.
- According to the history, second man on the moon was Buzz Aldrin. Moon was his mother's maiden name.
- 99.86% mass of our Solar System is Sun. This means that all the planets with their moons and asteroids in the Solar System make up to 0.14% mass of the Solar System.
- Mercury and Venus have no moons.
- Did you know that Saturn has such a low density that it will float on water? But we'll have to find a large enough pool first to do so.
- A person weighing 100 kg on Earth would weigh 38 kg on Mars because of lower gravity there.
- Jupiter has 63 confirmed moons. Maybe there are more but at least 63 have been confirmed to be Jupiter's moons.
- A comet's tail will always point away from the Sun.
- The Moon is moving away from the Earth. Every year it moves 3.8 cm away from Earth and will keep on doing so.
- Did you know that Uranus was also called George’s Star?
- The nearest known black hole is 1,600 light years (10 quadrillion miles/16 quadrillion kilometers) away.
- Temperature at core of the Sun is 15.5 million Celsius (28 million degrees Fahrenheit).
- Surface temperature of Sun is about 5500 degrees Celsius (10,000 degrees Fahrenheit).
- Did you know Milky Way is constantly moving through space? It covers a distance of 305 kilometers every second and also spins at a speed of 225 kilometers per second.
- The largest found meteorite was found in Hoba, Namibia. It weighed 60 tons.
- The largest mountain in Solar System is actually a volcano on planet Mars. It is 27 km high as compared to the Mount Everest which is only 8.85 km high.