American Foxhound facts

- The American Foxhound is directly descended from English hounds brought to America in 1650 and bred over a century later to a French hound sent as a gift by Lafayette to George Washington.
- Weight: 65-75 pounds (29-34kg)
- Height: 21-25 inches (53-64cm)
- Life Expectancy: 11-13 years.
- Intelligent creatures as they are, many foxhounds quickly learn to open gates or scale small fences to go wandering.
- The American Foxhound is sweet, affectionate, gentle and loving at home, but also a brave and intense warrior in the hunt.
- Foxhounds are easy to live with and thrive as members of a family; however, they are not ideal apartment dogs and shouldn't be left alone indoors for extended periods of time.
- They are excellent with children and get along well with other dogs because of their pack-hunting background, but should not be trusted with non-canine pets.
- They cannot be expected to act like retrievers because, though affectionate, they are independent by nature.
- A minor health risk in American Foxhounds is thrombocytopathy, or platelet disease.