Crack cocaine facts

  • Crack cocaine comes in a rock crystal form that can be heated and inhaled or smoked.
  • Crack cocaine is highly addictive, possibly even more than other forms of cocaine.
  • It is called 'crack' in reference to the cracking sound it makes when it is heated, presumably from the sodium bicarbonate that is used in the production of crack.
  • Crack cocaine, became enormously popular in the mid-1980s due in part to its almost immediate high and the fact that it is inexpensive to produce and buy. 
  • The US justice department statistics indicate that about 1-2 million people regularly use crack.
  • 27.5 percent of those incarcerated had been regular users of cocaine/crack.
  • Crack is a readily available form of cocaine. Cocaine is used because it produces euphoria, is a stimulant, suppresses appetite, and can be used as a pain reliever.
  • 3.3 percent of students (high school and college) reported being current users of cocaine, meaning that they had used cocaine at least once during the past 30 days.
  • The pleasant effects of crack wear off quickly (5-10 minutes), causing users to feel 'down' or depressed, more than before taking the drug.
  • The average age of those admitted to treatment for crack cocaine is 35.7 years.
  • Smoking crack cocaine can cause particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users.