Norah Jones facts and trivia
- Norah Jones is an American singer-songwriter and actress.
- Norah was born in Brooklyn, New York on March 30, 1979.
- Name at birth: Geethali Norah Jones Shankar.
- At the age of 16, she officially changed her name to "Norah Jones".
- Norah's Zodiac sign is Aries
- Norah Jones has won 9 Grammy Awards.
- Parents: Ravi Shankar and Sue Jones.
- Norah considers Willie Nelson her mentor.
- Norah studied at the University of North Texas.
- She is 5' 1" (1.55 m) tall.
- Norah Jones is a member of country band The Little Willies.
- Norah's debut album, Come Away with Me has sold more than 20 million copies all around the world.
- Norah shares with Michael Jackson and Carlos Santana the record for most Grammys won in one year, with 8. She said about the event: "I felt like I went to someone else's birthday party and ate all the cake without anybody else getting a piece."