Facts about the Big Bang

1. The Big Bang model is the prevalent cosmological theory of the early formation of the universe.
2. According to this theory the universe originated around 13.7 billion years ago.
3. The Bing Bang was an expansion from something infantesimally small to the current size of the universe today.
4. The Big Bang theory says that the universe was very hot and concentrated in the distant past and, ever since then, space has been stretching and cooling.
5. The Big Bang Theory of the origin of the universe, was originally presented in 1927 as the 'Hypothesis of the Primeval Atom' by Georges LemaƮtre.
6. Fred Hoyle, an English astronomer, is credited with coining the term Big Bang in 1949.
7. In the beginning the universe was so hot that all the four fundamental interactions of nature (gravitation, electromagnetism, nuclear strong force and weak force) were one force.
8. The expansion of space is accelerating.
9. The accelerating expansion of the universe will one day spread galaxies so far apart we will not be able to see them because the light leaving them will constantly have new space created in front of it.
10. The Big Bang theory is one of the most strongly supported theories in all of science.
11. Astronomers see galaxies moving apart from one another: space in the universe is stretching.
12. The Universe is still expanding due to the Big Bang.


FRED HOYLE: "The stakes are high, and win or lose, worth playing for." [Hoyle coined the term Big Bang]

ALBERT EINSTEIN: "For every one billion particles of antimatter there were one billion and one particles of matter. And when the mutual annihilation was complete, one billionth remained - and that's our present universe."

BILL BRYSON: "Tune your television to any channel it doesn't receive, and about 1 percent of the dancing static you see is accounted for by this ancient remnant of the Big Bang. The next time you complain that there is nothing on, remember that you can always watch the birth of the universe."

PAUL DAVIES: "A universe that came from nothing in the big bang will disappear into nothing at the big crunch. Its glorious few zillion years of existence not even a memory."