Interesting facts about Life
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- Life, characteristics of Life, or the condition of being alive, is one of the mysteries of science.
- Biology is the science that deals with the study of life.
- All living beings are made of the same materials as nonliving things, but living things can do things that nonliving things cannot do. They can move, grow, and reproduce. They are made of cells. They react to things around them.
- More complex living organisms can communicate through various means.
- The first characteristic of life is the ability to move. A person can get up and move when he wants to. Plants also move, but the movement can frequently be seen only with a microscope. However, a rock or a piece of paper cannot move unless some force, such as the wind, or a person, makes it move.
- All living things are made of cells and grow from the inside out.
- Some of the earliest theories of life were materialist, holding that all that exists is matter, and that all life is merely a complex form or arrangement of matter.
- Vitalism is the belief that the life-principle is essentially immaterial.
- The ability to respond to a stimulus is an important function of living things. The sun acts as a stimulus for many plants, and they respond to it by moving or turning towards it. If the telephone rings, a person responds to this stimulus by jumping up and running to answer it.
- It is still a challenge for scientists and philosophers to define life in unequivocal terms. Defining life is difficult—in part—because life is a process, not a pure substance.
- Earth is the only planet in the universe known to harbor life.
- Death is the permanent termination of life.