American explorer and pioneer, Daniel Boone, was born on November, 1734, in Pennsylvania.
Daniel Boone is the most famous of the early American pioneers.
In colonial days, when Daniel was a boy, much of North America was still a wilderness.
Boone was given a rifle when he was 12 years old. He often went into the woods to hunt. He learned to know every trail through the forests. He was friendly with the Indians and learned many of their ways.
When Daniel Boone was a young man he became a soldier. He fought with the English in a war against the Indians.
In 1769, with the help of 30 men, Daniel Boone cut the famous 300-mile Wilderness Road that led to the Kentucky River.
Boone founded the town of Boonesborough.
Daniel was a militia officer during the American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1782)
Before the end of the Eighteenth century, more than 200,000 European people
migrated to Kentucky/Virginia by following the route marked by Daniel Boone.
Several times Boone was captured by Indians. But he always managed to escape.