Candy facts

For many hundreds of years can­dy of a kind has been known. Long ago dates, figs, and nuts were chopped up, mixed with honey, and molded into pieces. But candy of the kinds we know—candy made of sugar—is much newer. Almost no one in Europe had ever heard of sugar until about 500 years ago, and it was very scarce for 200 years after that. Candy-making did not become common till sugar was plentiful.
A century ago doctors and druggists made candy for coatings on bad-tasting pills. Then people began making candy just for the taste of the candy. They invented many different kinds. Molasses taffy, licorice sticks, rock candy, and sugar plums are old-fashioned kinds of candy. Sugar plums were not plums. They were creamy candy made in the shape of plums.
All the candies of today are made chiefly of sugar. Some have gelatin or corn syrup in them. Some have nuts and fruits added.
At first all candy was made by hand. But now much candy is made by machine. There are many big candy factories. Of course, some is still made by hand at home.
A great deal of our candy of today is chocolate candy. Almost everyone likes the flavor of chocolate. Chocolate fudge is probably the commonest homemade candy.
Skull-shaped candy is a favorite with the children of Mexico.
Americans eat more candy than any other people in the world. The average is nearly 20 pounds of candy a person a year!