Giuseppe Garibaldi - biographical facts

Giuseppe Garibaldi was a Italian patriot. Involved in Mazzini's movement to liberate Italy, he fled from Italy, and went to South America. Took part in several revolutions. 1834-48. Returned to Italy to raise volunteer army for King Charles Albert of Sardinia. Defeated by Austria joined revolutionary party at Rome. Mazzini's Roman republic fell to France. Garibaldi's retreat with his troops through central Italy made military history. He embarked for U.S. and lived on Staten Island. Returned to Italy in 1854, and organized his 1,000 Red Shirts to aid his conquest in Italy. Landed in Sicily on May 11, 1860; 26 days later made himself master of Palermo, wresting it from Francis II, King of Sicily.
Garibaldi wanted a unified Italy under one king. He marched upon Naples, then capital of Italy, reaching there to defeat Cavour. In 1860 he presented to King Victor Emmanuel all the conquered territory, resigned his dictatorship, returned to Caprera. Still cherishing his dream of a united Italy, he made an alliance with Victor Em­manuel against Francis II and defeated Fran­cis, 1861; thus Victor Emmanuel became King of Italy. When, against his king's admonition, he marched against the papal state at Rome, Victor Emmanuel sent troops against him, defeating Garibaldi in 1863. Four years later he made a second attempt upon Rome; was defeated by French forces. Was elected to French National Assembly in 1871, but left for Italy, where he was elected to parlament in 1874. His Memoirs have been translated into English.