What is geometry?

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that treats of figures and space. The name is Greek, signifying earth measurement. The science is thought to have grown out of land surveying. It was developed first in Mesopotamia and in Egypt, both regions in which it was necessary to reestablish boundaries between fields, after the great inundations that occur each year. The Greeks were noted mathematicians. The textbook of plane and solid geornetry now used in schools is essentially that written by Euclid, a professor of mathematics in the Greek university of Alexandria, Egypt, who flourished about 300-270 B. C. He taught and wrote in the Greek language. His geometry was divided into thirteen books, which were preceded by definitions and axioms, largely as we have them today.

The study of geometry is of exceptional value in teaching students to think and to speak accurately. In geometry a statement is worthless unless absolutely accurate. The conclusions of geometry are also exceedingly satisfactory. We may say of Nero that he was cruel, and yet later find it necessary to modify our opinion; but the geometrical statement that the three angles of a triangle are together equal to two right angles may be proved beyond question, and is true for all time, of all triangles. One cannot be absolutely certain of the spelling of a word, for cus­tom changes. The chemist must be on the lookout constantly, lest some unexpected circumstance prevent chemical action taking place as expected; but when two straight lines cross each other, the opposite angles formed are always equal. They cannot be otherwise. For this reason geometry is spoken of as an exact study. It is also exceedingly practical. The builder finds that a timber forming a triangle with two other timbers is not only a rigid frame, but the only rigid frame known. Geom­etry gives the reason; a triangle cannot change its shape without changing the length of at least one side. Geometry also furnishes the only method of constructing an exact right angle, that is, of turning a square corner. The rules of mensuration are supplied by geometry. Without geom­etry the rules for finding the area of a triangle, a rectangle, or a circle, as well as those for finding the solid contents of spheres and other solids, would be mere guesswork.