What is a greenhouse?

Berlin Greenhouse
Glass houses built to protect growing plants are called greenhouses. The glass allows sunlight in, and then keeps the heat of the sunlight from escaping. A caretaker supplies water and good soil so that plants have everything they need for growing.

One good reason for having greenhouses is that plants can be started in them early in the spring while it is still cold out of doors. When it is warm enough and there is no longer danger of frost, the plants can be transplanted from their home under glass to the garden. Tomatoes and cabbage are two vegetables which are often started early in spring under glass.

Greenhouses also help make it possible for us to have flowers and fresh vegetables all through the year. In the seasons when there are no plants growing in outdoor gardens, a greenhouse owner can sell flowers or vegetables from his greenhouse.

Many experiments are done with plants in greenhouses, too. From these experi­ments scientists have found out a great deal about what plants need in order to grow well. They have also found out a great deal about plant diseases.

In some parts of the world people would never see orchids or banana plants or giant ferns if there were no greenhouses. Green­houses can display plants that are very dif-ferent from those growing naturally around us.