The Three Graces - mythology

   The Three Graces were in Greek mythology, the goddesses of grace and beauty. They presided over the dance, the banquet, and all social pleasures. Their names are Aglaia, brilliancy; Euphrosyne, mirth; and Thalia, the blooming. They are usually described as in the service of other divinities, and are patrons of music, eloquence, poetry, and all arts that delight and elevate.

These three on men all gracions gifts bestow
Which deck the body or adorn the mind,
To make them lovely or well-favored show;
As comely carriage, entertainment kind,
Sweet semblance, friendly offices that bind,
And all the compliments of courtesy;
They teach us how to each degree and kind
We should ourselves demean, to low, to high,
To friends, to foes; which skill men call Civility.