What is magnesium?

   Mag­nesium is a light and shiny metal element. It is chemically active and when heated burns with a blinding and brilliant white light. sir Humphry Davy first prepared elementary mag­nesium in 1807.
    Flash bulbs contain magnesium wire and oxygen. When the camera shutter is snapped, a small electric current from a battery ignites the wire and produces the flash. Incendiary bombs and flares also contain magnesium.
   Since magnesium is a light metal (density 1.74), it is used where lightness is important, as in airplanes. Magnesium compounds in­clude asbestos, talc and Epsom salts.
Magnesium (symbol Mg) is element number 12 and its atomic weight is 24.312 (24.32, O=16).