The Great Dane facts

   The Great Dane is a large dog of ancient type, formerly used as a protector of property and persons as well as a hunter.
   The great Dane is a large and powerful animal. The brindled varieties are golden yellow with black stripes; the whole-colored are various shades of fawn, blue, or black; a third combination of white with black spots is also recognized. It stands at least 30 inches high and weighs from 140 to 180 pounds. The animal has a naturally docile disposition but if uncontrolled may be savage and dangerous. It is intelligent, faithful, and devoted to its master.

   Points: Head carried high, long, and not too broad; muzzle broad, strong, and blunt; eye medium-sized with sharp expression; ears high and not too far apart, standing erect, sometimes cropped to a point; neck long and arched, free from dewlap; chest moderately broad; brisket deep; loin slightly arched; shoulders sloping; elbows well under; belly well drawn up; legs straight and muscular; second thighs long and strong; feet large, well-arched, and close; coat hard and dense; tail strong at root and ending fine, carried rather low.