What are game birds?

   People raise many birds for food. Many wild birds, too, are good food. They are called game birds. Hunting these birds is a popular sport.
   Many game birds spend most of their time on the ground. Among them are quail, grouse, and pheasant. Other game birds are water birds. Among them are wild ducks and geese.
   In the early days of America game birds were plentiful. They were killed a few at a time all year round by both white settlers and Indians. Later, hunters began killing more than they needed for themselves and selling them. Game birds began to grow scarce. Some, like the passenger pigeon, disappeared entirely.
   Then in some places people began to raise such game birds as quail and turn them loose. Laws were passed to protect game birds, too. Most of these birds can now be hunted only at certain times. The period when a certain kind of bird can be killed is called open season for that bird. Even in the open season there is a limit to the number of birds a hunter may bag. If hunters obey the laws, there should be good hunting for years to come.