Who was Diogenes?

   The philosopher Diogenes lived in ancient Greece more than 2,000 years ago. Diogenes believed that everyone should lead a very simple life. He gave away most of his possessions. For a while he even lived in a big tub to show that people did not have to have all the comforts they were used to.
Many stories were told about Diogenes. Here are three of them:
One day Diogenes walked through the streets of Athens carrying a lighted lantern. People asked him what he was doing with the lantern. His answer was, "I am hunting for an honest man."
Diogenes gave away all his possessions except a cloak, a purse, and a cup. One day he watched a small boy make his hands into a cup and dip up water with them. Diogenes saw that he did not really need a cup and threw his away.
Diogenes searched for an honest man.
Diogenes once met Alexander the Great. Alexander said that he would grant any favor Diogenes asked of him. "All I ask," said Diogenes, "is that you do not stand between me and the sun." Alexander liked this answer. "If I were not Alexander," he said, "I should wish to be Diogenes."