How does astrology compare with astronomy?

  In ancient times, men were filled with wonder by the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars. They came up with creative explanations for what they saw in the sky. Ancient astronomers, who charted the stars and planets night after night, invested the celestial objects with a host of god-like qualities. They named planets and star groupings after the gods of their particular religiĆ³n and felt that some of these bodies were, indeed, gods. In this way, the fields of astronomy and astrology advanced together for several centuries. The birth of modern astronomy in the early 1500s was the point at which the two paths went their separate ways. Once Nicholas Copernicus determined that the Earth and other planets revolved around the Sun and Galileo Galilei crafted the first telescopes, the skies became much less mysterious. Those who held to the mystical beliefs about the cosmos continued on their own separate quest for greater understanding.