What is camping?

The only home that some people know even today is a tent. Most of us would not want to live in a tent for long. But every once in a while it is fun to go on a camping trip.

Living close to the outdoors is fun, especially for city people. But most people who go camping want something more than being out of doors. Some want to fish or to hunt. Some want to hike, ride horse-back, swim, or go canoeing.

There are many camp sites where camp­ing is made easy. Some campers, however, want to be entirely on their own. They may even want the feeling of really being in the wilderness.

Where shall we go, and how shall we get there? What clothing will we need? What food shall we take? What kind of tent shall we have? What bedding and what cooking equipment will be best? What other equipment will we need? These are questions all campers must ask themselves.

Of course, the question of where to go is the first one to settle. The answer to it will help answer all the others. One good rule about clothing is that it should be comfortable and not easily torn. One good rule about food is that it should be the kinds that will not spoil readily.

Many new inventions make camping easier. There are boats that are very light in weight. There are tents that can be opened up like umbrellas, mattresses that can be blown up like balloons, and sleeping bags that make blankets unnecessary. And there are mess kits in which two kettles, a coffee pot, cups, plates, knives, forks, and spoons all fit together with a frying pan for a lid.

Campers always run some dangers. One danger is impure water. But water can be made safe by boiling it. There is also the danger of getting lost. A good camper al­ways carries a compass. There is danger of accidents, too. No camper should be without a first-aid kit.

After a party of campers has reached the region they chose, there are many things to think about in picking out the exact camping spot. There should be water near, and there should be dry wood for a fire. There should be no poison ivy or poison sumac close by. The ground should be dry. The tent should be on a slope if possible so that rain water will drain off. If it is summer time, the tent should be where the breezes can reach it. It should not be under a single tall tree, because lightning might strike the tree in a thunderstorm. Of course, campers should get any permission needed to set up camp.

Campers can show they are good citizens by leaving their camping place in good shape. Most important, the campfire should be put out. Many forest fires have been caused by careless campers.