Who was Strabo?

Strabo (63? B.C.—24? A.D.)
   Strabo was a Greek geographer and historian, born in Amasya in Pontus. He ascended the Nile with his friend Aelius Gallus about 24 B.C., and later spent many years at Rome. Little is known of the details of his life, but be claimed to have traveled much, from Armenia in the East to Sardinia in the West., and from the Euxine (Black) Sea on the North to the borders of Ethiopia in the South. Of Strabo's great historical work in 43 books, planned as a supplement to the history of Polybius, only a few fragments exist. His Geography (17 books), a detailed description of the world as it was known to the ancients, is almost entirely extant and is of value particularly for the sections which record the results of his own extensive observations.