Some facts about gales

  • Gales are winds that move faster than breezes. However, they are not so fierce as windstorms.
  • Several types of gales are listed by the U.S. Weather Bureau.
  • The word gale is derived from the older gail, but its origin is uncertain.
  • A moderate gale moves at about 32 to 38 miles (28-33 knots) per hour and sets whole trees in motion.
  • When twigs are broken from trees and people have to lean into the wind, the gale is about 39 to 46 miles (34-40 knots) per hour and is called a fresh gale.
  • A strong gale, moving at 47 to 54 miles (41-47 knots) per hour, does some damage to houses and may topple chimneys if they are weak.
  • The whole gale does even more damage to houses and sometimes uproots trees. It is the most violent of the gales and moves at 55 to 63 miles (48-55 knots) per hour.