How strong is an elephant?
The large and powerful elephants have few enemies. In India a tiger may kill a baby and in Africa the large predators, such as the lion, may do the same. The power of an elephant in defence can be gauged by the several stories told of a bull elephant meeting a train on a railway and charging the engine head on. In all reports it is stated how the engine driver drew the train to a halt and the elephant charged the engine repeatedly doing itself great injury yet persisting in the attack. Another feature of elephant defence is the close cooperation between members of a herd. Hunters have reported seeing a shot elephant being helped away by two others ranged either side of it, keeping it upright on its feet. On one occasion the herd combined to drag the carcase of one of their fellows throughout the night, in an abortive attempt at rescue. In 1951, in the Johannesburg Star, Major JF Cumming was reported as having seen some elephants dig a grave to bury a dead comrade!