The flying fox (bat)

flying fox
   A flying fox, also called fruit bat, is any of a group of tropical bats with foxlike faces. Flying foxes are the largest of all bats. They measure about 12 inches long and their wings may span as much as 5 feet. Although their color varies, many of them are gray or black and have a yellow capelike marking over the shoulders.
   Flying foxes live in large colonies throughout tropical legions of Africa, India, Australia, and the Pacific islands. During the day they sleep hanging upside down from tree branches. At night they fly in large flocks to their feeding grounds, which may be miles away. Although most flying foxes eat fruit, some ofthe smaller species feed on fruit juices, pollen, and insects. Flying foxes are pests in many parts of the world, where they cause serious damage to orchards.
   Flying foxes are classified as order Chiroptera, family Pteropidae.